Yellow Leaf Spot on Roses and Hydrangeas

Lately, we've had quite a few customers bringing in bags of yellow leaves or leaves with spotting on them, asking what's wrong with their roses and hydrangeas. If you're experiencing the same issue, you're not alone. Yellow leaf spots are common this time of year, especially after weeks of intense heat.

Why Do Leaves Turn Yellow or Get Spots?

It's been a scorching 100 degrees for the last two months, and both people and plants are feeling the strain. When the temperatures drop, your plants should perk back up and produce new blooms. However, until then, you might notice your plant leaves covered in yellow spots or entirely turning yellow. This is often due to a combination of factors, including:

  • Humidity and Heat: High temperatures and humidity levels can stress plants, making them more susceptible to diseases.

  • Overhead Watering: Watering from above, especially in the evening, can create conditions where fungi thrive.

  • Rain: Prolonged rain can cause water to stand on leaves, leading to fungal growth.

Prevention and Treatment

The good news is that yellow leaf spots can be prevented and treated! Here are some steps you can take:

Preventing Yellow Leaf Spot: Start in May

The best way to prevent yellow leaf spot is to get ahead of it. We recommend using BioAdvanced All in One Rose and Flower Care. This all-in-one product is a game-changer for maintaining healthy roses and hydrangeas. It contains an insecticide, fungicide, and a bit of fertilizer—all your plants need to stay protected and nourished.

When to Start: Begin applying in May for best results.

How to Apply: It comes in both drench and granular forms. Start with an application every 6 weeks, then gradually extend to every 12 weeks as your plant becomes stronger and more resistant.

Benefits: This method is especially great for shade hydrangeas since they don't tolerate being sprayed and it has fertilize your plant needs.

Treating an Existing Problem: For Severe Cases

If you’re already seeing yellow spots or your leaves are covered in them, it’s time to take action. Here’s what we recommend:

Fertilome Triple Action Plus Spray: This product is perfect if you're dealing with a severe case. It serves as an insecticide, miticide, and fungicide all in one. Spray it directly onto the affected leaves to tackle the problem head-on. This can be a lifesaver for roses and sun-loving hydrangeas, but avoid spraying shade hydrangeas, as they don’t respond well to it.

All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil:This is another effective option to cover both bugs and disease on your plants. It's gentle yet effective, ensuring your plants can recover without further stress.

Combining Treatments for Tough Cases

For really tough cases, you might need to use a combination of treatments. For sun hydrangeas and roses, you can apply both the BioAdvanced All in One Rose and Flower Care and a spray treatment at the same time. This dual approach gives your plants a strong defense against the disease.

Important Reminder: Never spray shade hydrangeas. They do not tolerate sprays well and can suffer further damage.

The Bottom Line

Yellow leaf spot can be frustrating, but with the right care and attention, your plants will be back to their beautiful selves in no time. Remember, starting prevention early and using the appropriate treatments for your plant types is key. Don't let the heat and humidity get you—or your garden—down!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to visit us. We're always here to help!

all seasons horticultural spray rose and flower care fertilome triple action plus

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Flavors of Fall: Butternut and Spaghetti Squash