Unveiling the Underground Invaders: Mole Crickets

When you hear the word "mole cricket," your mind might conjure images of adorable, furry creatures burrowing underground. However, in the world of insects, mole crickets are a different story altogether. These critters, found in South Carolina, are akin to regular crickets but with a twist – they possess large forearms designed for digging.

In South Carolina, three species of mole crickets roam: the tawny mole cricket, southern mole cricket, and northern mole cricket. While the northern variety causes minimal damage to turf, the tawny and southern species can wreak havoc on your lawn. These subterranean insects tunnel underground, feasting on grass roots and causing significant damage. Interestingly, they also exhibit a penchant for light, often returning to the same mating and egg-laying spots year after year.

Clemson University's Home and Garden Information Center sheds light on managing these critters: "A mole cricket management program will not provide 100% control. Mole cricket activity and chemical efficacy are both influenced by weather and soil conditions. With these conditions constantly changing, the reduction of mole cricket populations in turfgrass becomes more of a 'management' solution instead of a 'control' solution."

According to Gary Forrester, Horticulture Extension Agent at Horry County Extension Service, and Joey Williamson, PhD, HGIC Horticulture Extension Agent at Clemson University, the optimal time for treating lawns with insecticides for mole crickets is during June and July. At this time, turfgrass damage is minimal, and the mole crickets are still in their immature, small stage.

To combat these lawn-damaging insects, consider our mole cricket program, Top Choice. This dry, powdery insecticide is applied in June, and interestingly, it's the only application that benefits from immediate watering afterward. If you've experienced mole cricket problems in the past, this service is highly recommended. These pests are prevalent in our area, and their ability to cause overnight devastation is unparalleled, especially targeting Bermuda, Zoysia, and Centipede turfgrasses.

Don't let mole crickets turn your lush lawn into a battlefield. Consider our Top Choice program and reclaim your turf from these subterranean invaders.


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