Good for the Earth
Why We Love Bees
Why do we love Bees? The reasons are many. Bees are intelligent. They have been proven to be capable of understanding the concept of zero. This ability to understand the concept of “nothing” indicates advanced thinking by bees. Recent studies have shown they can count. They exceed many intelligent animals with their mathematical abilities that were previously believed to be more limited. It turns out that bees are especially good at math when they are rewarded. And if given a bad flavor when they make errors, their math accuracy improves. These congntive abilities place them in an elite class of animal intelligence that includes primates and dolphins. When they learn to do something new that is beneficial, other bees learn from observing their colleagues.
Scientific experiments published in the journal Science involved training bees to move a small ball to a marked location where they were given a reward of sugar-water for accomplishing this task. After the trainee bees learned to move the ball, other bees who had observed this behavior then solved the same task with greater efficiency than the original bee students. Instead of merely copying what they had observed, and with no prompting, they moved a different ball that was closer to the target in order to get the sweet reward. They accomplished this even when the new ball was a different color from the original that was also available, but placed father away than the ball they chose to move.
Plants Need Bees
Flowering plants of all kinds rely on pollination by bees to reproduce. Without visits from bees, many food plants we all depend upon would not survive.
Honey is an earth-sustaining, plant-based sweetener like no other. It contains beneficial nutrients and antioxidants that are good for humans and for bees. We support bees and Southern bee keepers by offering a variety of raw and natural-flavor infused honeys from local producers. Lavender infused honey that is produced locally in Edisto, South Carolina marries the health benefits of small production honey with an aromatic herbal infusion. It can be used in tea, coffee, baking and cold drinks to add a unique complexity to their flavor.
Lavender infused honey from Edisto South Carolina drizzled in coffee or tea imparts a mellow floral flavor that bees like, too.