Mosquito Protocol Treatment

Spraying your yard for mosquitoes can significantly enhance your outdoor experience by reducing mosquito bites, allowing you to enjoy your garden, patio, or yard without discomfort. It also helps protect your pets from mosquito bites and the risk of heartworm disease. Overall, mosquito spraying promotes a more comfortable and enjoyable outdoor environment for you and your family.

  • backyard-mosquito-free-deck-for-entertaining.jpeg

    Experience tranquil entertainment spaces without the nuisance of itching guests.

  • peace of mind knowing your kids are safe from mosquitoes in your yard

    Obtain peace of mind knowing your children are able to safely enjoy the outdoors.

  • Know your pets are safe from heartworm disease with mosquito control

    Protect your pets from mosquito bites and the risk of heartworm disease.

The Cold Creek Difference

- Our mosquito control delivery is virtually odorless and non-staining.

- Our active ingredient is 5-20 times more effective than insecticides containing other active ingredients.

- Our products provide superior and longer-lasting performance, offering a more reliable and cost-effective solution.

- Treated areas withstand harsh conditions like UV rays and pH extremes.

- Our product disrupts the mosquito reproduction cycle, leading adult females to lay non-viable eggs and preventing larvae from maturing into adults.

Our program interrupts their reproduction cycle to keep mosquitos from proliferating in your surroundings.

Treatment plans are every 30 days starting in April for 7 total treatments per year

Mosquito Control at Cold Creek. Our program interrupts their reproduction cycle to keep mosquitos from proliferating in your surroundings.

-  Treating all vegetation, including trees, bushes, and shrubs up to 10 feet high.

-  Paying special attention to treating the underside of leaves.

-  Appling treatment from the perimeter of the house to the edge of the property.

-  Targeting nesting sites such as under decks, near drainage spouts, and other shady, damp areas.

Included with Your Treatment:

Cold Creek Nurseries mosquito program treats all vegetation, including trees, bushes, and shrubs up to 10' high paying special attention to the undersides of leaves.


Mosquitoes are Prolific Breeders

Female mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at a time, and can produce multiple batches in their lifetime, which can range from 2 weeks to several months depending on the species.

Egg-Laying Habitats

Mosquitoes can lay eggs in at little as 1/4” of water, making even the smallest containers such as flower pots, bird baths, sites clogged drains potential mosquito breeding sites.

Rapid Development

Mosquito larvae can develop from an egg to an adult in as little as 5-7 days. This allows for multiple generations to emerge in a single breeding season.

Only Female Mosquitoes Bite

Male mosquitoes do not bite humans, as they do not need blood to reproduce. Female mosquitoes, on the other hand, need protein from blood to produce eggs.

Mosquitoes Transmit Numerous Diseases

Mosquitoes are responsible for spreading diseases such as Zika, dengue fever, chikungunya, West Nile virus, yellow fever, and malaria, among others.

How You Can Help Keep Your Yard Mosquito Free

  • goldfish, mosquito fish, and guppies in a pond help keep mosquito populations down

    Treat Water

    Treat standing water with a product to control mosquito larvae. Stock ornamental ponds with mosquito- eating fish such as mosquitofish, goldfish, or guppies.

  • Items that accumulate standing water need to be stored or thrown away. Store upside down if they are used frequently to reduce breeding areas for mosquitoes

    Turn Buckets

    Items that accumulate standing water need to be stored or thrown away. Store upside down if they are used frequently.

  • adjusting sprinklers to ensure areas are not over watered to create conditions perfect for mosquitos to lay eggs

    Adjust Sprinklers

    To prevent over-watering, adjust sprinklers to reduce volume during rainy periods.

  • chlorinating your swimming pool and keeping your pool covers clean of water and debris will help control mosquito populations

    Pool Cleaning

    Clean your swimming pool regularly and keep it chlorinated. Pool covers, which can also collect water and debris, should be cleaned as well.

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